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How to change the world in times of crisis?


Activist perspectives on COVID-19


The COVID-19 pandemic shows that fundamental change is necessary. But it depends on the actions that are taken now if we will be able to create a better society.

coronacrisis - covid-19

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The COVID-19 pandemic shows that fundamental change is necessary. But it depends on the actions that are taken now if we will be able to create a better society. Activism is now more important than ever.

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Although the virus is a natural disaster, it is global capitalism that undermines our health and makes us extremely vulnerable to economic crises. We must put people before profits again, during and after this crisis.

The exploitation of nature causes enormous harm to the planet and to ourselves. To prevent this situation from getting even worse, we need urgent climate action now.

Everywhere in the world authoritarian leaders are misusing the state of emergency to crush democracy. We need to keep on fighting for everybody’s right to health but also to freedom.

Poor people and refugees were already vulnerable, but they are even more so in this pandemic. Any real solution to this crisis is unthinkable without true international solidarity.

In this moment we need activism more than ever. We have to make sure that the world after corona will be better than before. But how to change the world in times of crisis?

In the coming weeks we will present new activist perspectives on the COVID-19 crisis – and what we should do about it. For now please read our statement on this matter here.