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The Alternative Uganda draws attention to the government’s malpractices


Young Ugandans act against corrupt government


The Alternative Uganda is acting against corrupt government

corruption - covid-19 - human rights

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Under the guise of relieving the country of COVID-19 measures, the corruption of the Ugandian government increased and human rights were further violated. A group of female activists from activist organisation The Alternative Uganda organised a march to the parliamentary building.


In 2014 the social movement The Alternative Uganda was founded to fight corruption and human rights violations, demanding fair governance, freedom and equal opportunity for all. Since then, they have led peaceful demonstrations and organised trainings for young Ugandans on creative activism and non-violent social movement building.

During the coronacrisis, the Ugandian government has taken advantage of food distribution programs by appropriating their funds, thus deteriorating the quality and quantity of food aid in times of crisis. Moreover, social distancing, disinfection measures and curfews have been used by state agencies to justify measures and actions that violate human rights.

The activists from The Alternative Uganda organised a protest march to occupy the avenue in front of parliament, wearing overalls, carrying banners and megaphones, to draw attention to the government’s malpractices, demanding change. Following this, The Alternative Uganda aims for widespread social and mainstream media attention for the issues. Het Actiefonds supports the organisation in their actions.