Het Actiefonds:

Lombokstraat 40
1094 AL Amsterdam
The Netherlands


+31 (0)20 6279661

NL 46 TRIO 0338622039


For the right to protest, against the Ormas Law!


Protest in Indonesia against repressive law


Indonesian students and farmers in action against the repressive Ormas Law

€ 2800

awareness campaign - demonstration - human rights - land grabbing - ormas law

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The current Indonesian government has a poor track record when it comes to human rights. In 2018 the so-called “Ormas Law” was passed. This law introduces a system of regulations for NGOs that threatens to seriously curtail freedom of expression and freedom of protest.


It is now possible to simply ban groups that are seen as ‘antagonistic’ to the government. This is at a time when the right to protest is especially important in Indonesia. Farmers are falling victim to land grabbing, the minimum wage has been abolished, and the cost of living is rising more and more due to the foreign debts of the state.

The Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights has spoken out against the Ormas Law, and on International Human Rights Day on December 10, students and farmers took action against the law. LINK-AR, a small grassroots organization, is setting up awareness campaigns, marches and manifestations – supported by Het Actiefonds. This way, they make their voices heard for a free and democratic Indonesia.