From May to December 2022, Movimiento Maricas Bolivia organized 7 different artistic street interventions to put queer indigenous identities in the spotlight during national holidays of the Catholic and Bolivian Calendar. The poetic interventions denounce homophobia in Bolivia, while at the same time critiquing the mainly white and racist existing LGBTQ+ community. Indigenous queer identities are often obscured in the mainstream struggle for acceptance and political equity. With their actions and art, Movimiento Maricas Bolivia wants to decolonize the mainstream idea of queerness that is a reaction to the heterosexuality imposed by the Spanish invasion. Their art expresses a more local, plural and Indian sexual identity to the public, that is not a reaction to heterosexual normativity but an expression of their indigenousness. ‘Memorial Abya Yala’ was their artistic intervention voor Decolonization Day (día de la descolonisación) on 12th of octobre.