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Protesting mining companies and avocado monoculture


ACTION • Festival la Inconquistable Cajamarca


Colombian activists are mobilizing against the mining activities of AngloGold Ashanti and Green SuperFood’s avocado monoculture. Cajamarca won’t be destroyed!

ecosystem - mining - monoculture

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The Colectivo Socio-Ambiental Juvenil de Cajamarca (COSAJUCA) set out to defend the wildlife and agriculture of the region. They are organizing an awareness-raising festival to inform the local youth about AngloGold Ashanti’s en Green SuperFood’s plans. Their goal is to mobilize the youth to protest against the avocado farming in the region.

In 2017, the inhabitants of Cajamarca (Colombia) resoundingly voted against mining activities in their province, stating that it was incompatible with their environmental and agricultural practices. Nevertheless, the South African company AngloGold Ashanti is still planning to mine gold in the area, whose worth is currently estimated to be 50 billion dollars.
It is believed that AngloGold Ashanti’s strategy is to collaborate with the Chilean agricultural company Green SuperFood, that is buying up land in Cajamarca to produce avocado’s on a large scale. Martin Abraham Guiloff Salvador, CEO of Green SuperFoods, is also responsible for finances in Isidoro Quiroga holding, a company specialized in mining management. It is believed that Green SuperFood and AngloGold Ashanti are collaborating to quash local resistance and to pave the way for gold mining.
The avocado farms are paving the way for decades of gold mining.
In order to expand, Green SuperFoods burns parts of the forest. The monocultural avocado farms are therefore actively contributing to the destruction of local wildlife and the displacement of local farmers. As if that weren’t enough, it is suspected that the large quantities of water needed to grow avocado’s are used as an excuse to prepare the underground bassins of mining activities. Thus the avocado farms are paving the way for decades of gold mining.
The COSAJUCA will not stand for this, and are mobilizing the youth of Cajamarca to protest against this blatant democratic violation of AngloGold Ashanti. COSAJUCA is organizing a festival to inform the youth about the plans of the multinationals, and to encourage them to take action. With the help of Het Actiefonds, they are able to make an informative movie about the plans of AngloGold Ashanti and Green SuperFoods, that they will premiere on their festival of the unconquerable Cajamarca.