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For a tolerant Romania!


Manifestation against homophobia in Romania


The LGBTQI+ community in Romania is organising a Pride march against discrimination and for equal rights and visibility.

€ 1750

Cluy-Napoca - LGBTQI+ - Pride - Romania

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The LGBTQI+ community is discriminated, oppressed, and sabotaged in many different ways in the city of Cluj, Romania. This must be stopped. That’s why a group of brave activists is organising a Pride manifestation in the city center.


Cluy-Napoca, or Cluj in short, is the second largest city in Romania. The city is known for its ethnic and religious diversity. But nevertheless, it is the least tolerant city in all the EU member states when it comes to LGBTQI+ people.

Spreading hate

The groep ‘Coalition for Family’, a group of no less than 30 NGOs, has even started a hate campaign against the LGBTQI+ community. This coalition wants to secure ‘traditional family values’. And their goal is to define marriage in the constitution as ‘the unification of a man and a woman’. According to them, there’s no place in Romania for same-sex marriage.


Last year, the organisation of Pride Romania also encountered bizarre sabotage actions at the hands of the municipality. The Pride was denied the use of several public spaces and eventually the mayor declared that these kinds of manifestations are forbidden in the city.

It’s clear that Romania has a long way to go in LGBTQI+ rights and emancipation. For that reason, the group Asociatia PRIDE wants to hold the march in the city center, even without permission. Through this manifestation, they aim to make the oppressed community more visible. They want to reclaim public space and make their voices heard against the continuous discrimination, repression and violence. Because the city belongs to everyone.

Recognition and tolerance

The primary goal of the Pride is to show the city that the LGBTQI+ community can’t just be silenced. They deserve true recognition. Het Actiefonds is supporting the collective in organising the march itself and in purchasing and spreading promotional materials.

This Pride march is only the beginning of a series of actions that put the rights of the LGBTQI+ back on the public agenda. Actions demanding respect and tolerance, actions against hatred. In the coming months a referendum will be held about the constitutional definition of marriage. In the run-up to this, the group hopes to open the eyes of the Romanian people.

You can support this fight for equality and equity. With a one-time donation you can help the group continue their campaign!