Het Actiefonds:

Lombokstraat 40
1094 AL Amsterdam
The Netherlands


+31 (0)20 6279661

NL 46 TRIO 0338622039

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About us

Het Actiefonds is a revolutionary fund that has been working towards large-scale, bottom-up social change since 1968.

General information

Our vision

A world without exploitation and violence, where power lies with the people and all are able to live in freedom and safety without depleting our planet.

Our mission

Het Actiefonds supports social movements around the world by providing small-scale grants for direct actions.


By not accepting subsidies from governments and corporations, we remain independent so that activists who hold governments and corporations accountable can apply for our support.


We do not work with intermediaries but make sure that financial resources go straight to action groups. We operate without a management and other bureaucratic or hierarchical constraints.


We trust that local activists know best how to approach the issues that affect them. We do not exert influence in exchange for financial support.

Do you agree with this vision? Consider becoming a donor today! For more than 55 years, we have been able to exist thanks to individuals who choose to donate part of their income to the struggle for a dignified life for all of us.