If you annually donate more than 1% of your income to charities in the Netherlands, you are entitled to a deductible on your tax form, If you give less than this amount, it is wise to convert your gift into a periodic gift of at least five years. When you donate a fixed amount to Het Actiefonds for five years, you can fully deduct that gift from your income tax return. This way you contribute even more to a just and sustainable world, without it costing you extra! You give the same amount, but a higher donation.
Your advantage with a periodic gift
The higher the gift, the higher the amount you can deduct from your taxable income. Depending on the level of your income, you will receive 37% to 52% of the donated amount back from the tax authorities.
Suppose you are in the 42% tax rate and you donate 70 euros per year. With a periodic gift you can increase your contribution to 120 euros per year. Because of the tax advantage, this will still cost you 70 euros net. Because you get 42% of 120 euros = 50 euros back from the tax authorities.
Donation Calculator
To calculate your personal tax benefit you can use the schenkcalculator This way you can calculate exactly what amount you want to give.
A periodic gift must be recorded in a private agreement. Until 1 January 2014, a notarial deed had to be drawn up for a periodic gift and a copy of the proof of identity had to be sent along. This is no longer necessary as a result of new legislation.
How do I get a tax benefit?
- Download the Overeenkomst Periodieke Gift (PDF) en Betalingsvolmacht Periodieke Gift (PDF)
- The agreement and power of attorney both consist of two copies, one for yourself and one for Het Actiefonds. Complete your details (“donateur”) on both copies and sign both agreements.
- Return the documents to us. This can be done free of charge by post to: Het Actiefonds, Antwoordnummer 10569, 1000 RA Amsterdam (or scanned by e-mail to donateur@hetactiefonds.nl).
- After we have received your documents, we will sign all copies and complete the information. We will then send you your copy by post or e-mail (depending on your preference). The second copy is for our administration.
- Keep your copies safe, the tax authorities can ask for it.
- Please note for your tax return, we are listed in the ANBI register as: Stichting XminY – Het Actiefonds (registered office in Amsterdam, RSIN number 28.72.225).
Do you have any questions about the PSO (Periodieke Schenkings Overeenkomst)? We are happy to help you! You can contact us via: 020-6279661 or mail to sanne@hetactiefonds.nl